Krav Maga, Security & Self-Protection Services on the North Shore, Massachusetts

Krav Maga Services

Krav Maga Classes, Programs & Services In The Peabody Area

Our Krav Maga school offers a number of different programs. Please click the links below to be taken to a description of them:

Adult Public Krav Maga Classes

This Krav Maga program is suitable for adults aged 18+, who are looking to learn how to predict, prevent and identify violence, and when this is not possible, know how to, and have the skills and techniques to physically defend and protect themselves; including friends and family members who may be with them. Our Krav Maga program teaches solutions to both armed and unarmed attacks, regardless of the position you should find yourself in e.g., standing, seated or on the ground etc. We also teach solutions to multiple assailants, active shooter scenarios, and home invasions etc.

Classes are taught by Head Instructor, Gershon Ben, a 5th Degree Black Belt in Krav Maga who has been training in Krav Maga since 1993. His instructor certifications, and belts were gained in Israel, and in 2010 he was inducted into the Museum of Israeli Martial Arts. To read more about him click here.

The best way to start your training is to attend one of our 90-minute introductory Krav Maga seminars. To see upcoming beginner Krav Maga classes and learn more, please use the button below.

Introductory Classes

Kid’s & Teens Krav Maga Classes

Our Kids & Teens Krav Maga program runs on Saturday mornings 10:15-11:00 AM, following the school terms – we will be starting this up again in the Fall of 2022. Our program is suitable for children and teens aged 5-17. Our program develops skills, such as timing and co-ordination etc., and helps improve fitness and strength, as well as teaching age-appropriate solutions for dealing with aggression and violence e.g., joint-locks, escapes from chokes and strangulations etc., aren’t taught to young children who might not understand the potential consequences of such things, if they were to try and demonstrate them to friends etc.

Our classes are fun, dynamic, and inclusive, and help kids and teens develop socially as well as physically. If you would like to sign up for our Kids/Teens newsletter, we will notify you as to when the next Krav Maga session starts.


* indicates required

Women’s Self-Defense

For over ten years we ran our free women’s self-defense program in Boston, and now look forward to making it more accessible to Peabody residents (Our school is only a 15-minute drive on I-95). Rather than simply looking at physical solutions, our program looks to help women, predict, prevent, and avoid being victimized in the first place. Using a researched and evidentially based approach, we look at how women are targeted and selected for a variety of offenses, including rape and sexual assault, street robberies etc. We also look at the warning signs, potentially intimate partners display in the early stages of a relationship that indicate they could be a potential abuser and/or stalker etc. Since Massachusetts did away with the need for an FID (Firearms Identification) license to carry defensive sprays, we have included training in how to use pepper spray for self-defense – we use inert units to practice deploying the spray when under stress and duress.

Our program will start back up again in the Fall of 2022, and more information can be had by clicking the button below.

Free Women's Self Defense

Corporate Self-Protection Training

Many organizations and businesses are interested in keeping their employees safe, both in the work environment and away from it. To this end, they will often look to arrange physical self-defense training without realizing that there is a whole discipline, referred to as “self-protection”, which teaches people how to predict, prevent, and avoid violence altogether. The skills and knowledge, needed to avoid being targeted and victimized in the first place are easier to learn, remember and apply than physical self-defense techniques – and have a greater success rate in dealing with potentially violent situations.

Gershon Ben Keren has been involved in the psychology and criminology of violence since 1990 (he has master’s degrees in both disciplines) and has been working in the security industry for the same amount of time. As well as offering physical self-defense to organizations, he has presented self-protection seminars internationally to companies and organizations working in a myriad of fields and industries, from banking, to mining, to healthcare etc. If your organization is interested in putting on some form of training, whether remotely, or in-person, please contact us by clicking here.

Law-Enforcement, Military & Professional Training

If you represent an agency that is looking for training that is applicable to your members, please contact us by clicking here, and we can talk about your specific requirements.

Private & Small Group Training

Whilst we recommend that people looking for Krav Maga training join one of our public classes, as it provides a richer learning opportunity, we do recognize that individuals may find themselves in situations where the class schedule doesn’t work for them, and/or in certain cases they have very specific security/safety requirements. In these cases, we do offer private and small group training opportunities. It is worth noting that these type of training opportunities are limited and that you may want to try one of our beginner sessions first (you can sign up using the button below). If you are interested in private or small group training, please contact us by clicking here.


Krav Maga Head Instructor


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