Frequently Asked Questions About Krav Maga

The easiest and most straightforward way to become a member is by attending one of our beginner Krav Maga classes. These run several times a month, and give you a good introduction to the founding principals and concepts of our Krav Maga system, introduce you to our training methods and approach, along with demonstrating some of our solutions to armed and unarmed, threats and attacks. The seminar/class is 90-minutes in length and will give you a good idea as to whether Israeli Krav Maga is something that you want to continue training in. We recommed these introductory classes to all potential students, regardless as to whether they have previous Krav Maga training, have existing belts from another school etc. or not. If after taking one of these classes you decide to join the school, the cost of the class will be refunded to you.

To see the upcoming dates and book a class, please use the button below.

Introductory Classes

The cost of membership is $185/month, for unlimited training. For first-responders, veterans, full-time students, and teachers K-12 it is $155/month. This also includes access to our online training portal, along with access to our virtual classes (past classes are recorded and stored for reference). There are no long-term contracts, and all we require for cancellation is 30-days notice via email. We don't offer day passes or drop-in rates etc., as our goal is to take you through are syllabus, and train you in all areas of Krav Maga and self-defense. Billing is processed automatically each month using a provided credit or debit card.

Our training facility is located 15 minutes south of Peabody, just off of exit 54 from I-95 South. Our Krav Maga studio is both convenient and easily accessible to Peabody residents and anyone located on the North Shore.

Krav Maga Location

Yes we have ample on site free parking. Parking outside our studio is never an issue at any of our class times.

This is probably one of the most asked questions we receive/get asked, it's also perhaps the number one reason that people delay starting Krav Maga training i.e., they are worried that they won't be able to keep up, fitness wise, in a class, and want to first improve their fitness. The good news is that training Krav Maga will improve your fitness. We actively train "Cosher Kravi" (Combat Fitness), in our classes, in a way that doesn't exclude anyone e.g., it may be that when you first start training there are times when you need to slow things down a bit, but all of our students understand this and will work with you at your pace. Because we do a lot of partner switches in our classes you never have to worry that you are holding somebody back, whilst you get your fitness back etc. If one of your goals is to get fit then training Krav Maga is a lot more enjoyable than simply getting on a treadmill or excercise bike etc.

This may be the second most frequent question asked, concerning training, and is usually linked to, "How long before I get good at Krav Maga?". Obviously, the more you train, the greater the number of good repetitions you get practicing a technique the better you get etc. However, there are issues to consider, such as fatigue, over-training, and missing out on other aspects of your family/social life etc., if you are training Krav Maga all the time. We also see "burnout" when overly enthusiastic students start trying to train every day etc. Most of our students train twice a week, and due to the way our syllabus is structured, this allows them to experience and see improvements in their performance on a regular basis, without exhausting themselves etc. An extra class here and there, when they have the time, can also give them a boost.

We understand that people's lives can be hectic with work and family commitments etc., and that is one of the reasons we created our virtual program. This means that if you are travelling with work etc., and you want to keep up with training, you can join one of our weekly virtual classes, and/or choose to stream one of the previous classes, in order to keep up with your Krav Maga training.

Yes, Krav Maga does encompass ground-work. Up until the early 1990's this was very basic, however in the past thirty years being able to fight on the ground has become a core component in most Krav Maga system's syllabuses. One of the reasons for this is that the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) wants their members to be able to counter other martial arts systems, such as BJJ (Brazilian Ju-Jitsu), that other militaries may use to train their troops. This has led to ground-fighting (how to win a fight on the ground), and ground survival (how to survive on the ground and get up to either continue the fight or disengage), being a fundamental aspect of modern Krav Maga. We train groundwork in a number of ways, including "rolling" in a similar manner to both BJJ and Judo.

Yes, there is sparring in Krav Maga, and we encourage everybody to try one of our sparring classes. In our regular sparring classes, we take out head-shots in order to reduce the risk of concussions and head injuries. Training in this way reduces some of the fears and anxities that people have when sparring and makes the experience a far more productive ones. In our sparring classes, two-thirds of the class is devoted to teaching and practicing drills, in order to develop skills, and equip people with combinations, counters, set-ups and feints etc. that they can use when they spar. The last third of the class is devoted to actual hands-on sparring. For those students who are not quite ready for this more instruction is given around drills and techniques whilst the rest of the class spar.